DBZ in a normal environment (not baron wasteland)
This would have been so much better if the sound did not cut in and out that was so anoying otherwize good effects and stuf
DBZ in a normal environment (not baron wasteland)
This would have been so much better if the sound did not cut in and out that was so anoying otherwize good effects and stuf
higher score ...show me more
nice CoLoUrS
its funny but.....................................
1.its funny
2.could you at least clean up the edges of the instances
3.its not even december yet chrstmas gets earlier every year
4.mr T=good
5.animate it better and stop being lazy
6.Idont want to read so much hint hint.............
7.is it possible for more body parts to move
dancing sticks??
well i dont think its as good as some of the other reviewes said, there was no need for every frame to be drawn Im not going 2 even start on michael jackson but I personally think different songs of his could have been chosen thriller 4 example but thats just me I may not agree with the movie being gay but I do see the other reviewers point(s) (I took the time to reade while I was waiting 4 download!!) I would not mind seeing a breakdance video (dispite how terrible those films actually were!!) but in future who ever makes sticks @ least make em good
( I do realise how much time was put into this movie but simple fact is the skills are there to have made it better)
its funny with great music at the right time
ive checked out the web site even though I cant read Korean and watched all the eppisodes
*but whats all these reviews saying that *ITS STOLEN CAN SOME ONE PLEASE SHED SOME LIGHT************************* ************
is this a newground revalution?
is every one going ilove egg and mr boomba(very good) absolutly disustingly cute yuk
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